Source 100 top talents per week in 15 minutes per day. So you can hire the A-player your moonshot mission needs, much faster!

Find great talent in days, not months.
Start getting candidates now!

One click import all information
Enrich with personal emails
Contact information
Experiences & Education

Enroll talents in sequences
LinkedIn messages & emails
Use variables and LinkedIn data to hyper-personalise
Send on behalf of your coworkers

Get full context
Access previous interactions
Check team’s comments & notes
One source of truth

Comment, tag & set reminders
Use your templates in direct messaging
Sync your conversations

Update Stages & Jobs
Change pipeline stage
Reject candidates
Add to job
Bring your talent pool on top of LinkedIn
Highlight talents
you already know
you already know

Use templates
in direct messaging
in direct messaging

Sync conversations
with the talent’s profile
with the talent’s profile